Saturday, May 06, 2006

"There’s a lightbulb that’s been on since 1904........

and somewhere Thomas Edison lies cold and dead I the grave"...........and I’m in a pretty good mood - a better mood than I think I’ve been in a week or more - and not just because Edison’s no longer a threat........

Strange........ I seem to have started this post there a couple of days a go and never finished it......I don’t know if I’m inspired enough to keep going with it (more of a night person and that was in the extreme a.m-ish), but it made me smile when I found it, so I thought I'd post it anyway. The gist of it would have been something along the lines of ‘I love my friends...’......yeah - I know it sounds pretty mundane, huh? Kept you waiting with baited breath for my next post and it’s that anticlimactic.....but I am paraphrasing and it’s also pretty true, especially that one who told me that Edison had been taken care of...........I might still be distempered and hard to get along with (oh, and trust me, I am) - but I’d be just a tad more completely-insane (a possibly a little more rampage-y) without ‘em.....

But in other news, last night I went to see a man who had taught me a course in Greek Tragedy violated by a tiny cactus on stage...........I’m not quite sure if that constitutes irony exactly, but it’s close - and at any rate, it was pretty damn funny either way.....

The rest of the weekend doesn't seem to be taking any great shape though - I have a feeling there will be high and low points, and good and bad, but we'll see........

(oooo - I think that was a cliff hanger...maybe I should re-name my blog Dallas? hmm - probably not; I'd need a cowboy hat....and probably a horse.....I don't think Pegasus would count - he has wings....and he's made of plastic and is about 2 inches tall......oh well; it worked as a concept...)


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