Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Blood is always metal (well, almost always........)

And so by that logic I was pretty metal Monday night...........

Though blood or no blood, it was a fairly intense and odd night - also pretty damn fun. Pre-show I tagged along with the people who were going to the show with me as they went to something called a ‘Pampered Chef’ show, which is basically the tupperware party of kitchen stuff, as far as I can tell (and ironically neither of the people I went with even cook - Sara had a mild panic attack yesterday in the five minutes during which she’d thought it was a good idea to make supper)........this turned out to be the scarier part of the evening, but there was free wine and foodies, and Sara and I made our own fun via notes about hardcore shows written stealthily on the little pink post-it notes that I think we were supposed to use to write down which tube pan we couldn’t continue living without..........

Then there was coffee, the waking of the dreaded-napping-Leslie-beast where all but skull fear to tread *sorry to add to the mythology Les, but only you and I know what truly happens when you are awoken* ; ) ............and the last minute check and distribution of highly-needed ear plugs - ‘ok, so everyone has their earplugs and no one needs to go to the bathroom?’ ‘But mom.........’ ‘No buts; lets go........’ (ironically when we got to the bar, we discovered that between half a dozen of us, we were short one - not one set, one earplug - and someone would not let me go get them one, so I am worried about their ears - how will you hear your sad-bastard music if you damage your hearing? I mean, its sad and quiet to start with.........)

Then to the show itself, which was a good time - LOUD, epic, fast, and screamy - despite the sickness that seemed to have plagued all those hardcore boys on tour, both Swords and Die Brucke played well......although I think I learned that Die Brucke don’t like getting their picture taken (think King kong when all the flashes and crap make the monkey go crazy.........ok, that wasn’t a really flattering comparison, but it still works!.........); Shortly after attempting this (with that camera of mine which refuses to capture a decent Swords’s like a battle of wills now - I’m gonna keep taking them; the camera’s gonna keep refusing to have them come out...........and we’re both too stubborn to admit defeat) I got pretty decently pummeled by the singer......but he felt so bad, and apologized so much that I ended up feeling bad too - cause it was totally an accident. And I can’t help but draw attention to the fact that at the rock or metal shows I spend the rest of my time at, that would never’s everyone for themselves, you get hurt or go down, for the most part that’s just too damn bad for you. I got damaged at a Bung show over christmas when this big drunk guy fell on me and messed up my knee which still catches - no one gave a shit but the guitarist from the band who asked right away if I was ok, and I couldn’t even get out so I ended up sitting next to him on a cabinet till the set was over......that sucked and if I ever see that guy again I will give him something to remember me by...............but this time was no big deal - everyone was pretty sweet about it and I was fine, just pissed that I missed like a quarter of their set cause I had to go to the bathroom to staunch blood-flow (though it came to my attention later how much more metal it would have been to have stayed and spit it somewhere - but, I’m sorry, that’s just not sanitary ; ) ...........) Next time Die Brucke - play longer! It’s the epic (or possibly non-Rhapsody power) metalhead in me -if a song is good it sound be like 37 minutes long not 1 !! (hmmm.....I wonder if swords have any songs that are actually longer than the Die Brucke set......definitely not outside the realm of possibility)..............


Blogger les said...

Women love sensitive (or suicidal) or otherwise doomed male singerslashsongwriters. It's been proven in labs...uh...somwhere.

10:53 AM  

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