Monday, August 28, 2006

Upon reflection...

it looks like I haven't written a sensible post in here in bloody forever; let's attempt to remedy that shall we?

New and exciting?

I played my first show as bassist with Endearing Perversion this past weekend (and wore girl-clothes to keep said band - and kate, who is always complaining at me to wear my nice clothes - happy............though I wore my *own* girl which did not make the designer who outfittted my guitarist especially happy). I think it went pretty good. My singer, Cara, has a lovely summary of events up on her blog, which I couldn't do justice to here, so check that out. But I had a lot of fun - ran around a bunch that night; saw j. fisher play one song (which was awesome, and I am happy that his show went so well and also that we fixed everything), totally missed sheavy, and ended up not being nervous at all cause I was too busy being impatient and wanting to go do other stuff! = ) And a bunch or people came just for me - which was sorta heart-warming!

And now that that's done, I'm in the midst of a little down-time that isn't all that down-y.......the best part though? I get to cook and actually eat remotely sensible now that my time is my own again - so sweet....breakfast at breakfast time, supper that doesn't involve toast *or* standing - good times. Yesterday I planned my whole dinner around the fact that I had a crapload of fresh local snap peas! Kate came by after a stressful day at he kiosk and I made pretty yummy rice paper rolls that seemed to intrigue her quite a bit. I cooked, we ate, drank wine, and sat around listening to JKW....

MUN also starts again in a week, which I'm looking forward to, but with the summer being so damn busy, I never really did get back at latin, or the more daunting greek, which I had planned on. So I've got about a week to get back at that, and try to get back into it all again. Greek is very intimidating, but lynn and I are forming a united front and it's Antigone, so hopefully it won't be *too* bad.....only 1350 lines of untranslated Greek between me and the light at the end of the tunnel.... And I also need to start thinking and planning the honors essay I'll be writing this year - I'm in the market for an interesting *greek* topic, that I'm not already super-familiar with. This will definetely be a super-busy term and year (there's also a Classics conference hosted by MUN in the spring, which I'm kind of excited about, being the geek that I am) so I am already hoping that people will be understanding if my free-time for hanging out diminises somewhat......and I should also be the proud(-ish) bearer of an honors degree at the end of the winter, which just means more school, as I'll be on to a masters somewheres - thanks to GIC mostly, I have Oxford in my head, which would be *so* fantastic, but I guess we'll see how things work out..........

That covers the broad sweeps at least - other than that, things have been mostly par for the course....copius amounts of coffee (yesterday was a peaberry day!)..... a bunch of fun shows past - notably the JKW cd realeases - higlights including local tough and the dislocating of a knuckle (those guys really *are* tough), Alex borrowing my eyeliner, and the longest swords set I've seen in some time - and upcoming - the punk prom friday, again with swords, but in fancy clothes (ooo - I hope judge dredd dress up; this would be hilarious), and metal night @ the alternative saturday - should be fun (in an ideal world I would *love* for the guys from sheavy to come and yell orgasmically for some incidium song, just to balance that bassist's love for the electric sleep! = ) tee hee) - also, Thursday is Jager night at the Basement, which now makes it my favorite bar!..... and I've bought too much stuff lately but not nearly enough cds - eveidence of this? Ticket to go see maiden in TO in october, but no dice on the new Maiden album, as I apparently have to wait another week -BOO!! If I find out Bruce was out flying planes or riding tanks instead of getting this album out on time I will be very unimpressed!!

Bleh - off to find Shawn, eat, and do something productive, such as read (english, greek or latin - I've yet to decide) or draw........or possibly watch Rome.....

Music: Pelican - Australasia

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Nancy !!! = )

love Nadine

Friday, August 25, 2006

it's pretty rough, pretty diy - but I'm proud of it...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

not metal !? = \

Oh Leslie - you are such a bad influence........I've been listening to Wolf Parade all night!! What's wrong with me?! eep....

Monday, August 21, 2006


It's heading for 4 in the fucking morning and I am *losing* my shit - my fucking neighbors just phoned me to complain that something 'like music' which was coming from my house they thought was too loud, and was keeping them up - just like last night when 'thumping' kept them awake til 5 am. Indeed. I sleep with music on every night of my fucking life - just like I was doing about 15 minutes ago, when the phone fucking wakes me up to tell me this shit. Not to mention that it's bloody pouring rain and my fucking window was fucking closed, and and yesterday I was fucking out til like 4 am, so I'd like to know how the fuck I was making any noise that would keep anyone awake.

I got off the phone, so damn confused after making a pretty lame defense cause I was like 'what the fuck? but I wan't even here.....' but still totally fucking pissed - I would like nothing better than to go have a screaming match with my fucking suburbanite neighbors right now.....which is utterly outside the realm of possibility, as the rest of the people who live in this damn house will probably live nest to these bastards for quite some time....yargh....

I am almost tempted to start playing bass as loud as shawn's little practice amp will go without killing itself....

Cause I really need to be annoyed at shit like this now too - I definetely don't have enough other fucking things to worry about, or deal with, or fucking get up for a few damn hours....growl

Sunday, August 13, 2006

"When someone sees the same people everyday ... they wind up becoming a part of that person's life. And then they want the person to change. If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how others should lead their lives but none about his or her own."

Paul Coelho - "the Alchemist"

so are we all 'someone' and 'the others' at any given time?......

Friday, August 04, 2006

I meant to put this up like a month ago but I totally's a coffee shop in Ottawa - it fucking sucks and the owner is a lunatic, but notice the name of said establishment.....

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Thursday morning.....two hours in...

Today I got a Hello Kitty coloring and activity book.

And my dog came home from her camping trip.

And I had a giant bowl and many handfuls of excellent cereal with yogurt bits.

And blogger won't let me post any pictures.

And I'm listening to Aqualung on vinyl.... and it is truly awesome. Flute solo!!

So now we're all up to speed.

That is all.

music: the Tull