Upon reflection...
New and exciting?
I played my first show as bassist with Endearing Perversion this past weekend (and wore girl-clothes to keep said band - and kate, who is always complaining at me to wear my nice clothes - happy............though I wore my *own* girl which did not make the designer who outfittted my guitarist especially happy). I think it went pretty good. My singer, Cara, has a lovely summary of events up on her blog, which I couldn't do justice to here, so check that out. But I had a lot of fun - ran around a bunch that night; saw j. fisher play one song (which was awesome, and I am happy that his show went so well and also that we fixed everything), totally missed sheavy, and ended up not being nervous at all cause I was too busy being impatient and wanting to go do other stuff! = ) And a bunch or people came just for me - which was sorta heart-warming!
And now that that's done, I'm in the midst of a little down-time that isn't all that down-y.......the best part though? I get to cook and actually eat remotely sensible now that my time is my own again - so sweet....breakfast at breakfast time, supper that doesn't involve toast *or* standing - good times. Yesterday I planned my whole dinner around the fact that I had a crapload of fresh local snap peas! Kate came by after a stressful day at he kiosk and I made pretty yummy rice paper rolls that seemed to intrigue her quite a bit. I cooked, we ate, drank wine, and sat around listening to JKW....
MUN also starts again in a week, which I'm looking forward to, but with the summer being so damn busy, I never really did get back at latin, or the more daunting greek, which I had planned on. So I've got about a week to get back at that, and try to get back into it all again. Greek is very intimidating, but lynn and I are forming a united front and it's Antigone, so hopefully it won't be *too* bad.....only 1350 lines of untranslated Greek between me and the light at the end of the tunnel.... And I also need to start thinking and planning the honors essay I'll be writing this year - I'm in the market for an interesting *greek* topic, that I'm not already super-familiar with. This will definetely be a super-busy term and year (there's also a Classics conference hosted by MUN in the spring, which I'm kind of excited about, being the geek that I am) so I am already hoping that people will be understanding if my free-time for hanging out diminises somewhat......and I should also be the proud(-ish) bearer of an honors degree at the end of the winter, which just means more school, as I'll be on to a masters somewheres - thanks to GIC mostly, I have Oxford in my head, which would be *so* fantastic, but I guess we'll see how things work out..........
That covers the broad sweeps at least - other than that, things have been mostly par for the course....copius amounts of coffee (yesterday was a peaberry day!)..... a bunch of fun shows past - notably the JKW cd realeases - higlights including local tough and the dislocating of a knuckle (those guys really *are* tough), Alex borrowing my eyeliner, and the longest swords set I've seen in some time - and upcoming - the punk prom friday, again with swords, but in fancy clothes (ooo - I hope judge dredd dress up; this would be hilarious), and metal night @ the alternative saturday - should be fun (in an ideal world I would *love* for the guys from sheavy to come and yell orgasmically for some incidium song, just to balance that bassist's love for the electric sleep! = ) tee hee)...ooo - also, Thursday is Jager night at the Basement, which now makes it my favorite bar!..... and I've bought too much stuff lately but not nearly enough cds - eveidence of this? Ticket to go see maiden in TO in october, but no dice on the new Maiden album, as I apparently have to wait another week -BOO!! If I find out Bruce was out flying planes or riding tanks instead of getting this album out on time I will be very unimpressed!!
Bleh - off to find Shawn, eat, and do something productive, such as read (english, greek or latin - I've yet to decide) or draw........or possibly watch Rome.....
Music: Pelican - Australasia