Thursday, May 25, 2006

I have issues. oh - sorry I'm not writing about them or anything......I just have them ; )

I hate malls and I’ve done enough shopping in the past week or so to last me a lifetime.....or at least until the fall when clothes starts being made in black again. I saw white jeans yesterday. But I’ve only been watching other people try to buy clothes - I’ve been buying too many cds and dvds (but come on - $40 for the entire dead like e series?!) *and what constitutes 'too many' cds you ask? Yesterday I bought a used Sentenced collection at Freds cause I saw it had a bunch of tracks on it from an ep that I didn't have, which, it turned out when I got home, in fact I actually *do* own, but seemed to have forgotten* I’m implementing a ban on non-coffee/non-gas/non-show spendage.........these are the things I cannot live without. Well, *I* don’t actually need gas, technically gas is bad for me - but my car likes it and I like my car and I want him to be happy and drive me around (say to shows and coffee) so in the end I need gas...............which *sucks* as anyone who buys gas will know - I filled up yesterday cause I was in CBS and it’s a little cheaper - $52. I wanted to cry.........

And speaking of spendage, it looks like I might be buying a bass soon....... I’m actually really into this whole thing.... I’ve been messing around a bit on basses I do not own.........and actually hauled out my old shitty guitar to fuck around a bit - my fingers hurt.....not to the bloody extent they did when I ‘learned’ how to play guitar years ago, but enough that it might feel like progress.....

I will be staying up very late tonight; hopefully it will be less dramatic than as is the pattern I've already established here.......... I’m playing airport chauffeur at like I have a *lot* of time to kill - thoughts, offers, and suggestions welcome (I know I've got some friends out there who seem to have abandoned me - now's your time)......anybody want to go get coffee? = )

music: Matriarch (this fucking awesome female melodic death metal band from Puerto Rico, I recently discovered.......they are crazy good) but I only have like one song which I just put on, so previously it was.....
Isis - Panopticon


Blogger Rian said...

I'm a grad! Ive done it. I have my Masters of Strategic Studies. Now just what to do...what to do...hummmm...

I got a free bottle of sparkling wine complents of the grad lounge and my friend scott bought me lunch. All in all, a good day. but last night. Oh my. stay tuned to my blog to hear about it. when I get around to writing it.

8:31 PM  

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