Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Skull puts the 'sum' in summer...

Home now - enjoying the inevitable relaxing one always wants to do after relaxing vacations.........and trying to figure out what to do with myself for the rest of the summer........

Spare time is lovely and everything, but I somehow became used to not having a lot of it; where I was once a person who had tonnes and thought that was perfect, now I get bored (or in all honesty, I’m not bored now, I just think I will be after July 9th when the world cup ends - sorry I really like football; I’ll stop talking about it I swear........although today was funny, I watched so many games I had them all mixed up and I knew who had won and lost I just had them beating teams who had in fact lost to a different team all poor brain is getting mushy from too many statistics........)

So summer plans.........

I need to get back at my artwork - I have been very lax these past few months and that is one of the only things about myself that disappoints me...........I love drawing and I am better for having done it, so how is it that I get so little done - so that is my main goal, I think............and I have a friend waiting on some artwork for his newest musical venture.....make that a couple of friends actually......

Also, there is school......I am debating whether or not it’s useful for me to do this Roman Civ intro that’s offered over the second half of the summer. It seems like a good idea. And it would start this coming Monday so I have to hurry up and decide........which would be aided immensely by figuring out how one goes about getting an honors and a masters and then a ph d, and where one does all these things, and how many languages one need know and so on and so forth.........yup - need to figure out school stuff. I know what I want to end up with, I just need to figure out how I’m getting there................and either way I plan to start studying Latin and the longer-neglected Greek again – yes, I know this makes me an incredibly big geek, but I’m ok with that............if I’m really gonna be a Classicist I can’t forget my languages every summer.........also my latin-friend says he plans to get back at said languages too - if he does it and I crap out, we will be in no where near the same league and that would be sad........

Need to learn how to play bass a kind of ‘frying-pan-into-the-fire’ sort of way - there’s a band waiting on me who can actually already play their respective instruments..........

And then there’s general summer fun, such as bonfires on beaches, eating ice cream, bubble tea and frozen coffee beverages, wandering around downtown, midnight swinging, soccer, driving around with the windows open listening to Highway to Hell (this is quintessential summer metal) and just your basic hanging out and doing nothing.............

Bring it on!

Music: Norther (who may or may not be simply a front for Children of Bodom) - Mirror of Madness

Group activities..........damn I never did play well with others.....

I encountered this on livejournal but I moved it here.... On the one hand I believe (hope?) more people visit here than there, also I know it's way less of a pain in the ass to comment here and anyone should be able to, so that makes it more useful....I'd do it again in a heartbeat! ; )

And I just think it's a nice idea - sucks if no one posts cause I guess that means no one cares about your opinion of them, but I guess those are the risks you take living on the edge like this.....

Here we are then:

If you comment...
1. I'll respond with something random I like about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll name something we should do together.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me (or just me).
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
7. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal so you can do the same for other people. (but if you lack a jounral we can overlook this part - but you other blogger people better fall in line!)

Music: Children of Bodom - Are you dead yet?

Monday, June 12, 2006


So I am in Ottawa - and I figure I should update this thing before Leslie loses her mind least I know someone cares. ; )

Travelling now, obviously. I like being home (like my friend mark who likes being in his house cause thats where all his stuff is) but adventures are ok too (or they must be - I keept randomly taking them).

The day I got here was hilarious - I was awake for over 24 hours.......madness - I stoped drinking like 9 o clock, but I still felt drunk the whole damn night. We went to see the Longtimers (slash old-timers) who are really fucking good (and better since I saw them last)

Then I went to Montreal, ate tons of great food, drank tons of cheap wine (just like I told shawn, I fully intend to drink every day.......ah, damnit - I don't think I *did* drink today.....ok - its not too late I still have 18 minutes before it's tomorrow......), spent a bunch o'cash (most of it in a goth, really I swear I'm not goth; *seriously* - not goth; and I also bought Maiden records - whoo hoo) - all while trying to still be a good friend......who knows?........

Oh, and I also watch the world cup whenever possible....which was a surprising amount of time all things considered. I have seen at least part of every game so far - and usually most if not all of each one. The best one so far was definetely the Japan/Australia game this morning, I woke up early and watched it befoer we checked out of our hotel room - that was fucking excellent. And I was totally going for Japan - poor bastards, but they played so well and then Australia went insane on them. But it was *such* a good game. So I think I'm going for Portugal in the end...........quite possibly because we were walking through a Portugese area when they won yesterday and I *loved* the mass chaos that came in the wake of that win. Actually that's probably the highlight of my was so much fun to see people totally lose thier shit like that - sorta heartwarming frankly - so I think I got a little swept up in that. World cup final party at skull's ok?

Otherwise I intend to have a quiet-ish week. I will feed my friend sara, who normally has terrible eating habits (today I snuck brocoli ionto her fajitas, like you do with kids), and try to keep her healthy, and also try to make her study. I will try not too spent too much money and I will look forward to next weekend when I'm gonna see about a dozen bands.....literally.

then back in NF Sunday. So I guess I'll see a bunch of you then. = )

music: Neurosis - Time of Grace ($12 - Sound central; my new favorite store.....and I got a free Isis poster)