Monday, June 12, 2006


So I am in Ottawa - and I figure I should update this thing before Leslie loses her mind least I know someone cares. ; )

Travelling now, obviously. I like being home (like my friend mark who likes being in his house cause thats where all his stuff is) but adventures are ok too (or they must be - I keept randomly taking them).

The day I got here was hilarious - I was awake for over 24 hours.......madness - I stoped drinking like 9 o clock, but I still felt drunk the whole damn night. We went to see the Longtimers (slash old-timers) who are really fucking good (and better since I saw them last)

Then I went to Montreal, ate tons of great food, drank tons of cheap wine (just like I told shawn, I fully intend to drink every day.......ah, damnit - I don't think I *did* drink today.....ok - its not too late I still have 18 minutes before it's tomorrow......), spent a bunch o'cash (most of it in a goth, really I swear I'm not goth; *seriously* - not goth; and I also bought Maiden records - whoo hoo) - all while trying to still be a good friend......who knows?........

Oh, and I also watch the world cup whenever possible....which was a surprising amount of time all things considered. I have seen at least part of every game so far - and usually most if not all of each one. The best one so far was definetely the Japan/Australia game this morning, I woke up early and watched it befoer we checked out of our hotel room - that was fucking excellent. And I was totally going for Japan - poor bastards, but they played so well and then Australia went insane on them. But it was *such* a good game. So I think I'm going for Portugal in the end...........quite possibly because we were walking through a Portugese area when they won yesterday and I *loved* the mass chaos that came in the wake of that win. Actually that's probably the highlight of my was so much fun to see people totally lose thier shit like that - sorta heartwarming frankly - so I think I got a little swept up in that. World cup final party at skull's ok?

Otherwise I intend to have a quiet-ish week. I will feed my friend sara, who normally has terrible eating habits (today I snuck brocoli ionto her fajitas, like you do with kids), and try to keep her healthy, and also try to make her study. I will try not too spent too much money and I will look forward to next weekend when I'm gonna see about a dozen bands.....literally.

then back in NF Sunday. So I guess I'll see a bunch of you then. = )

music: Neurosis - Time of Grace ($12 - Sound central; my new favorite store.....and I got a free Isis poster)


Blogger les said...

I am off next Monday. We should go eat raw fishies and listen to newly acquired music.

Buy the Raconteurs and Wolf Parade albums and I will buy Witch and something else of your choice, but possibly the Illuminati.

Love you lots. Miss you muchly.


10:55 AM  

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