Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Group activities..........damn I never did play well with others.....

I encountered this on livejournal but I moved it here.... On the one hand I believe (hope?) more people visit here than there, also I know it's way less of a pain in the ass to comment here and anyone should be able to, so that makes it more useful....I'd do it again in a heartbeat! ; )

And I just think it's a nice idea - sucks if no one posts cause I guess that means no one cares about your opinion of them, but I guess those are the risks you take living on the edge like this.....

Here we are then:

If you comment...
1. I'll respond with something random I like about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll name something we should do together.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me (or just me).
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
7. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal so you can do the same for other people. (but if you lack a jounral we can overlook this part - but you other blogger people better fall in line!)

Music: Children of Bodom - Are you dead yet?


Blogger Dow said...

1. You're good at organizing things, like my cupboards.
2. Run to the hills...sorry but it does!
3. Sea Kayaking!
4. I don't think anything I say makes sense to anyone.
5. You were sitting at Perk Up with Brad and everyone, and I was like "who the hell is that", cause we didn't meet many new people.
6. Umm I think I've already asked all questions, yeah like the minute they pop into my head.
7. What? I don't understand the request in this one. Me confused.

Umm apparently I was just supposed to comment and you were going to tell me these things, not the other way around...See this is why everything must be kept simple for me!!

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


convocated today

at work

calling you now...

um, bye.

12:29 PM  
Blogger Lady Cove Women's Choir said...


7:52 PM  
Blogger Maidenskull said...

*for Dow (which I have *never* called you........)

And it is too ridiculously cute that you messed this up.......but I like it! ; ) thanks...........

1) that sometimes you *make* me talk to you

2) right now - that first track on the new built to spill album.....

3) go somewhere - away from both our homes and provinces

4) I can't believe I had no reason to resort to duct tape on this trip (thanks going out to my little black acomplice)

5) Shortly after meeting you guys (at Perk up) I invited you and Kate to do something, and you asked me if I was sure I didn't mind hanging out with you was pretty hilarious, it was like you guys were paranoid that I was like too old or cool or something (!) to be your friend.

6) is there *anything* at all that you haven't already told me of you own accord? If so I ask about that.

10:04 PM  
Blogger Maidenskull said...

*for Gillian

1) that you never get mad at me if we haven't talked or seen each other in a while - we just catch up to speed and carry on.........

2) Honestly - I gotta say run to the hills too...I cannot listen to that song w/o thinking of you doing the high parts

3) oooo - drag-queens at the zone.

4) something about 'deadly-dyke-boots'..............(one of those comedy sketches we alway thought we should write)

5) you were wearing a glow-stick-necklace-thing-y at that P-A-C, so I called you the lesbian queen - Andrea only thought you were a princess

6) How does your place even get that messy? How do you manage it?

10:05 PM  
Blogger Maidenskull said...

*for Kathy

1) that you seem to like chococat..............sanrio rules - I love pochacco and cinnamoroll

2) in the hall of the mountain king (do you remember me trying to explain to you which song it was, in high school one day, and kind of acting out like explosions and stuff?)

3) anything - when was the last time we even saw each other?

4) 'can you eat this?' 'it's plastic.' 'but can you eat it?' 'go ahead - knock yourself out.'

5) You writing mean comments in my agenda in grade nine about stupid crap that Rian had written

6) How did you *ever* convince your mother to call me skull?

10:06 PM  
Blogger Rian said...

1. I love that you can grow long nails.
2. Anything by Led Zepplin
3. Grab a coffee and sit on signal hill and chat (not in the car)
4. "A little up on the left" (ok so that makes sense to two people)
5. Having a picture of Brad Pitt (I think) that you wanted.
6. How do you always have money!?

4:50 AM  
Blogger Lady Cove Women's Choir said...

OK... I'll do one for you.

1. Dope sniffing hippy person
2. The Black Void song... I can't remember the name of it!
3. We can both get bass lessons from Josh. Although he hates teachign me anything because I'm so confused. All the time.
5. "I can't fold my arms under my boobs!"
6. How many trench coats DO you own?

6:50 AM  
Blogger Maidenskull said...

* For Rian

1) you never over-complicate anything

2) Aerosmith - Dream on (or the rap song that used it - cause you argued with me that it was in fact a Led Zeppelin song)

3) go to Lawtons..........just to mix it up

4) 'no Nadine - that milk is fine; drink it..........'

5) You were the crazy girl who would hiss at people.........clearly you like vampires then, so we made friends over Interview coming out

6) Did you bribe the person who gave you your driving test? = p

7:12 AM  
Blogger Maidenskull said...

trecnh-coats? umm.....7, I think ; )

7:14 AM  
Blogger les said...

What Sara did. Here we go.

1. Something random I like about you: You are a really good driver and your car music rules.

2. Song/movie that reminds me of you. Song first: The Kids by Jamiroquai because we did dishes at Chris's when we were hung over like 10 years ago and listened to this and you loved it, even though it wasn't exactly your thing. You are always full of surprises.

Movie: Rebel Without a Cause. When we were first hanging out in a big group, you told somebody else who wanted to borrow it that they couldn't because the movie didn't go anywhere you didn't go. Then I asked you if I could borrow it and you said yes right away and I knew we were friends.

3. Something we should do together: Go to Hava for coffee tomorrow which is a given and doesn't really need to be stated.

4. Something that only makes sense to you and me: I'm going for "Blitzkrieg!" or "Skiffingtonnnnnn!"

5. First/clearest memory of you: We were standing by my locker when I was in Grade 11 and you told me you liked my necklace and I ended up giving it to you a couple of years later.

6. Something I've always wondered about you: Bah. I just ask.

7. Crap, this option requires effort.

I love you. But you already knew that.

6:24 PM  
Blogger Maidenskull said...

* For my Leslie = )

1) You make awesome suppers for me - and your rice paper rolls might actually be the best food ever.

2) Wolf parade - You are a runner and I am my fathers son....just cause it's the first song on the album, all the other ones remind me of you too ; )

3) Get a place and live together forever!

4) Damn it! I was going to go with 'skifffffiintonnnn' or possibly 'Riberrrrr'.....hmmm - are abreviations eligible? FDB or LF, perhaps?

5) Same - I told you I liked your happy face! =)

6) Yeah, I mostly just ask too, don't I? or I just wait and you tell me when you want to.......

If we were on one of those couples game show where we had to prove how well we new each other, I think we'd win........all our answers are the same!

love you too,

12:33 PM  

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